All posts by admin

Be an Early Bird!

The sharp-eyed amongst you will have noticed that the poster for our Summer concert offers “Early Bird” tickets at a reduced price. Why not be an early bird and book your tickets before 6th May (Coronation Day) and guarantee yourself, well in advance, an enjoyable evening with good music and good friends?

Tickets are available, as usual, from The Card Centre, 6 Hamilton Road, or from members of the choir.

Think about it – but not for too long – because a ticket bought in April will cost you only £12.00 instead of £15.00, and, in these straitened times, that has to be a good thing!

Looking forward to Summer!

It was a long, cold, wet winter, but the Dorian Singers are pushing through, preparing for our regular summer date with you all in Kirton

Our Summer Concert, entitled “Summer Favourites” will be on Saturday 10th June at Kirton Church Hall at 7.30pm. There will be the usual refreshments of strawberries and cream with wine and soft drinks during the interval.

The programme will include some of our favourite short pieces including “An Abundance of Blessings” written by our conductor, Brian Latchem, which is scored for Baritone solo, choir and harp. We are also featuring several pieces by women composers.

We would welcome any singers who would like to join us for this concert, particularly Tenors and Basses. It’s not too late to come along. We rehearse on a Wednesday evening from 7.15pm for a couple of hours at Trimley St Martin Primary School, Kirton Road, Felixstowe IP11 0QL.

Tickets £15 (Under 18’s £5) including refreshments. Available from The Card Centre, 6 Hamilton Road, Felixstowe, IP11 7AU (01394 283170), from choir members or at the door. There is an early bird, Coronation Day, discount if tickets bought before the 6th May. Discount price is £12 (Under 18’s £3).

Curtain Up in Kirton

Saturday, June 25th 2022 – and the first Dorian summer concert for three years. The last one, at Kirton Church Hall in 2019, had been a semi-staged “Trial by Jury” on a breathlessly hot evening, as the Dorian Singers looked forward to commencing a splendid 40th anniversary year in 2020 …

Let’s not go there …

The first full summer concert, not given in scaled-down, Covid-safe conditions, but in the “old-fashioned”, pre-Covid way, was anticipated eagerly, but also nervously. Would anybody come? Could the traditional strawberries and wine be served? Were people still too nervous to come out?

So it was wonderful, on the evening, to see Kirton Church Hall filling up, bit by bit, almost to capacity. The weather, which had not promised much, proved pleasant after all. And the programme commenced.

“Curtain Up!” was a programme of selections some some of the most beloved musicals, ranging from “West Side Story” to “Cats”. The Dorians were directed by Alan Loader, who also did soloist duties in Billy Bigelow’s Soliliquy from “Carousel”. Julie Roberts’ soaring soprano in You’ll Never Walk Alone, accompanied sensitively by Marina Korneva, moved and thrilled. When the Children are Asleep, again sung by Julie, was, simply, delightful.

The climax of the evening was the finale section of “Les Miserables”, with Julie leading a stunning performance in which she was joined by soloists from the choir, most notably David Tonge, dignified as the dying Jean Valjean. And ending, of course, in a passionate prayer for the future “when tomorrow comes”.

Which was very apt. For this joyous occasion, a real treat for performers and audience alike, was also bittersweet; for the choir, it was the last concert to be given under the direction of Alan Loader, whose inspired leadership over the last eight years will be, in every sense, a very hard act to follow.

But follow we must, and after a well-earned summer break, the Dorians will re-commence rehearsals in September. “Do you hear the people sing?” – Watch this space!

Curtain Up!

Rehearsals are now well underway for the summer concert: Curtain Up. Sadly this will be the last one under the baton of Alan Loader, our esteemed conductor (plus much more!), and we shall all miss him immensely. He is stepping down after nearly nine years of being our Musical Director and, in that time, our skills as a choir have grown and flourished under his tutelage and dedication.

Curtain Up! will be held on Saturday 25th June at 7.30pm and, as per tradition, the venue is Kirton Church Hall (IP10 0PT) Don’t delay in getting your tickets as seats are limited at this venue. They are available from The Card Centre in Hamilton Road, Felixstowe (01394 283170), from members or possibly at the door. This season the choir is supporting The BASIC Life Charity.

What a great way to spend a lovely summer’s evening enjoying music and songs from the Musicals as well as the strawberries and wine served in the interval!

Celebrating in style

We celebrated our 40th anniversary in style at the Best Western Brook Hotel in Felixstowe on 20th May with a carvery meal, cake, and some “party pieces”. The current choir were joined by partners, former members and Friends for a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

Jean Shaw (chairman), Marina Korneva (accompanist) and Alan Loader (musical director)
Sue Simmons, who organised it all.

Nigel Rea took the pictures.

Spring Concert – 2nd April

Our twice-postponed 40th anniversary concert, ‘Mostly Mozart’ – with Julie Roberts among the soloists – takes place on Saturday 2nd April at St Andrew’s Church, Felixstowe.

Tickets are available now from The Card Centre in Hamilton Road (01394 283170).

Do join us for what promises to be a very special celebration of our first forty years!

About that 40th Anniversary …

… You know, the one we had last year but couldn’t celebrate.

Well, we’re celebrating it this year come hell or high water. We started rehearsals for our Spring Concert at the beginning of this month and, in my next post, I will be telling you all about the pieces we will be performing.

In the meantime, see if this brings back any memories: