It was a long, cold, wet winter, but the Dorian Singers are pushing through, preparing for our regular summer date with you all in Kirton
Our Summer Concert, entitled “Summer Favourites” will be on Saturday 10th June at Kirton Church Hall at 7.30pm. There will be the usual refreshments of strawberries and cream with wine and soft drinks during the interval.
The programme will include some of our favourite short pieces including “An Abundance of Blessings” written by our conductor, Brian Latchem, which is scored for Baritone solo, choir and harp. We are also featuring several pieces by women composers.
We would welcome any singers who would like to join us for this concert, particularly Tenors and Basses. It’s not too late to come along. We rehearse on a Wednesday evening from 7.15pm for a couple of hours at Trimley St Martin Primary School, Kirton Road, Felixstowe IP11 0QL.
Tickets £15 (Under 18’s £5) including refreshments. Available from The Card Centre, 6 Hamilton Road, Felixstowe, IP11 7AU (01394 283170), from choir members or at the door. There is an early bird, Coronation Day, discount if tickets bought before the 6th May. Discount price is £12 (Under 18’s £3).