Spring in Paris and Vienna!

We are absolutely thrilled, this term, to be performing Francis Poulenc’s “Gloria” at our Spring Concert on Saturday 28 March.  If you are expecting something that sounds “churchy” then you’re in for a surprise.   Although a man of deep faith, Poulenc’s hymn to the glory of God takes on the most modern of idioms.  The soprano solo passages, which will be sung for us by Gill Wilson,  are nevertheless redolent with ethereal beauty.

And not only this!  We are also performing two movements from Mozart’s “Vesperes solemnes de confessore”, one of which is the famous “Laudate dominum”, again a great showcase for the soprano voice.  Added to these will be Faure’s “Messe Basse” (“Low Mass”) for women’s voices,  and Haydn’s operatic “Insanae et vanae curae”, and the outcome is a real treat of really eclectic sacred music.

The concert will be at at St Andrew’s, Felixstowe, starting at 7.30 pm.